ALLOW YOURSELF to Bloom Into Your Fullest Power

Personalized coaching journeys for embodied transformation.

Are you longing to feel more connected with yourself and with others?

Are you longing for more balance, aliveness, purpose and direction in life?

And are you longing for real, lasting transformation, finally FACING, EMBRACING AND LETTING GO of limiting beliefs, patterns and habits?

If so, please read on.

Hi, I’m Kati.

Psychologist, Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher by training, but most importantly ON THE PATH, just like you.

Over the last two decades my personal healing & growing path led me to Psychology, Psychotherapy, Body & Systemic Therapy, Coaching & Talk Therapy, Yoga & Meditation, Alternative & Plant Medicine and other kinds of methods and modalities!

Everything I have learnt from hundreds of teachers, thousands of hours in training and actual experience (in holding space for myself and others), I would like to share with you.

Healing and growth can happen when we start to address the being in its entirety, learn to hold ourselves with love and compassion, while taking responsibility and committing to change.

All of my programs address the being holistically considering the level of the mind, the body, the emotions & the soul!


1:1 Online Coaching

You receive powerful, deep and transformative weekly coaching sessions working at the level of the body, mind, emotions and soul.


1:1 Online Yoga

You receive tailored 1:1 online Tantra or Hatha Yoga and Meditation practices focusing on a specific topics and theme supporting you emotionally, mentally & physically.


1:1 Emotional Support

You are held, loved and supported in all of the programs. Plus, you will learn how to hold space for yourself and better express your needs to those around you.

Curious to find out what your personal coaching journey could look like?

Read on…


An 8 Week Transformative Journey

Find out all the details below!

What You Will Experience

  • We will explore different practices in which you can experience these different aspects of the being. This way you will be able to better understand, pinpoint, and name what is happening on the different levels, especially at the level of the body and the mind.

  • We will explore working with the energies of the body, especially focusing on cultivating and balancing your most powerful energy - the sexual energy.

  • A big focus of our work will be supporting you in perceiving, naming, and expressing your feelings. Here we will work mainly with somatic exercises supporting you in feeling into your body. For this we will look at everyday situations, as well as situations that lie in the past. You decide how deep you want to work on and with emotional topics. I facilitate this work, always respecting your boundaries.

  • We all ask ourselves at some point in our lives what we are here for and what is our purpose. We will explore your inner longings and your soul purpose through mediation and ritual.

  • We will explore together how you can learn to trust more in the course of life and learn to live in more naturalness and synchronicity with your longings and soul purpose.

  • We will work with rituals, dance, and music to support you in coming back into the body, the heart, and feeling more whole. Rituals and ceremonies are one of the most potent ways to initiate and facilitate real, sustainable transformation.

What You Will Receive

  • We will agree on daily hours in which you can seek additional online support at the beginning of the coaching.

  • I will provide you with different recorded meditations for your daily practice. Meditations with be kept general or have specific themes, like a gratitude meditation.

  • The overarching theme of the coaching will be cultivating the connection with yourself and others. We will explore ways for you to feel more balanced and alive within your being. The specific content of the coaching sessions will be adapted to what is most relevant to you.

  • Each Hatha and Tantra Yoga session will have a specific theme, in alignment with the topics of the week.

  • We will work out a daily flow for your personal practice of yoga, mediation, gratitude, or micro-practices that fits your schedule. This way you are equipped to continue with the practice after the coaching ends.

  • We can do a lot during a 90-minute coaching session or a 60-minute Yoga class. But the real work happens outside of our sessions. For this I will ask you to do practices, reading, and different homework in between our sessions.

The Coaching

Below you can find an exemplary flow of the YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF COACHING JOURNEY. All sessions are personally guided through me. Throughout the journey, you are encouraged to meditate 20 minutes daily and keep a journal for additional practices and reflections.
To support you in both, you will receive a surprise when we begin the coaching journey!

While the exact flow and topics will be adjusted to your needs, read on, to see a previous flow and the content of A “YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF JOURNEY.”

  • The focus of this first week is to gain clarity on where this journey is going for you. We begin with our first online yoga and meditation session, and you will receive the first tools to feel into and connect with the body.

  • The focus of this week is to understand the core and potentially limiting beliefs you have about yourself and your life. In this week's practice we focus on grounding ourselves in our body. We also focus on connecting with and opening the heart. This will help you to better connect with yourself.

  • Now that you understand what is holding you back, it’s time to start fresh and open yourself to the vision you have for your life. We will perform a powerful ritual during this week's coaching session. Let yourself be surprised by the power and the level of transformation that can come with a ritual. In this week's practice we focus on trust, love, and appreciation for yourself and life through postures and practices that enhance these feelings.

  • After releasing and moving through pressing topics of the mind, you are ready to dive deeper into understanding the “purpose” of yoga and meditation. We will practically discover how yoga and meditation can be the answer for any situation. During this week we will have a short yoga and stretching practice, followed by a longer 45 minute meditation for the first time.

  • By now, you will have experienced changes in your being, your perceptions, and above all your level of awareness. This week we dive deeper into exploring our bodies as energy using different embodiment practices. During this week we learn the sun salutations, a very potent and beautiful every day practice.

  • Our sexual energy is the most potent energy we have. It creates life! Understanding and continuously purifying this energy through different practices will help you feel more at ease, more alive, and more vibrant. Women this week will also focus on their moon cycle, while men will work more with different techniques to control and balance the sexual energy.

  • Once you start understanding you are not your mind and not your thoughts, life becomes more relaxed. This week we will explore how you can work with your own mind, letting it be a powerful tool, instead of being the one that is in charge. This will be a very practical week as you learn how to focus and control your mind through different postures, breathing techniques, and other tools.

  • After a short revisit of your coaching journey, we will explore your next steps and help set you up for a lasting transformation. Finally, we close this space with a beautiful ceremony, leaving you touched and inspired by all that is to come. You have the option to invite a loved one or your partner to join this ceremony. Let yourself be surprised what we do in our final yoga and meditation practice!

“I would HIGHLY recommend any of Katrin’s offerings to any woman or man, who is after a coach who is both highly intelligent and deeply intuitive, experienced in the world of business and psychology, as well as spirituality and the wisdom of the Heart.“

– Rose, Australia

What Others Say

“Having had Katrin hold space for me has been such a beautiful gift in my life. She is always holding space with a deep presence from the heart, with compassion, and clarity which helped me understand myself better and to move forward and deeper into my power.“

– Michelle, Germany

“I can only recommend working with Kati! I was going through a big transition in my life, when I came across Kati (blooming.of.hearts) on Instagram. I had just started a new job and moved to a new city. Somehow, I felt lost, lonely, and unworthy of receiving love in my life. Through working with Kati, I began loving myself and my life again and was able to trust other people again. She is an amazing coach and human being, who has nothing but love and compassion for everyone that comes into her life. We are still working together on me becoming a fuller version of my former self and being more present.”

– Dennis, USA

"Katrin is someone I can deeply trust and feel completely safe to share anything with. She is always understanding and compassionate, and supports me with helpful impulses without giving unsolicited advice or telling me what to do. To me, she is an absolute power woman: full of inner strength, versatility, creativity, full of depth, and wisdom. I feel blessed to know her.”

– Teresa, Germany


Book Your Free Discovery Call

If you have questions or are not sure yet if this program is right for you, book a free discovery call and let's chat!

30 Minute Discovery Call

I would love to get to know you and understand how you would like to transform yourself in 8 weeks. You need to get to know me and find out if working with me feels right to you.

Book Your Transformation

By having made the choice to invest in yourself, in your growth and transformation, a big shift is already happening. During the next 8 weeks we will be working closely and intensively together. I am already excited for and with you!


There is no better investment that you can make than an investment in your personal growth and healing.

I have spent thousands of hours and Euros in my own journey of finding back into my most alive and authentic self, and I will continue to do so.

This is one investment, of which you will be harvesting the fruits for the rest of your life.

I take a maximum of 3 clients at a time to ensure a fully personalized coaching. This isn’t a regular online program or course that you take by yourself. I am here to to fully support and mentor your into becoming your fullest, most alive and authentic version.

If you are up for a true transformation, I invite you to reach out and let’s chat. While I offer different payment plans and a sliding scale, there is a minimum investment required for you to be fully committed and motivated.


*No credit card required. The 30 minute
discovery call is free of charge.


  • You should plan at least 3 hours for the program per week: 90 minutes for the online coaching session, 60 minutes for the yoga session, and at least 30 minutes for additional exercises or journaling during the sessions. You will receive recorded meditations and ideally you will find additional time for a daily 20 minute meditation. It is your transformation. The more time you can make for the program, the bigger and more sustainable the transformation.

  • YES! This is actually something very unique about my coaching program. If you would like, you can invite your partner to 1 coaching session and up to 3 yoga sessions. When we establish new habits and practices, like yoga and meditation, our environment plays an important role in how successful we are. So it is my wish for the person that is closest to you to also understand (even if only a bit) what it is you are doing and why it's so important for you. This way your partner is included and will hopefully become your biggest supporter and cheerleader during your transformation. Also meeting your partner and seeing how you interact helps me understand you better and may shed some light on different struggles that you may have.

  • It is important that you take as much space as you can during these 8 weeks for yourself and your journey. It doesn't mean that you need to stop working but maybe you can step back a bit at this time. Clients have shared positive experiences after actually telling their employers that they are going through a personal coaching. Let your friends, family, and partner know that you are going through this program and ask them to support you during this time and afterwards. Remember that our environment has a big influence on us, so we should invite our loved ones to be supportive.

    You may find yourself more sensitive during this time. It could be that certain memories come up or you may find yourself more triggered during this time. This is the beauty of transformation and all of these things show you exactly one thing: THAT YOU ARE TRANSFORMING!

  • Yes, this program is also for you if you have experience in yoga and meditation. Please note that our yoga practices are slower and more traditional. Of course we will work with the body, supporting the energy flow, stretching the body, supporting some muscle build up, yet we won't be doing any too crazy acrobatic poses :).

    You are free to practice any kind of other yoga additionally, of course.

  • During the 8 weeks you will be set up with everything you need to continue your journey by yourself. You will have the tools and know-how to better navigate your feelings and emotions, and have an understanding of common patterns and habits.

    You will also be able to continue with the meditation and yoga practice on your own. In case you feel you need more support there are several options. We can extend the coaching for another 6 weeks, during which I will support you with 1 x 90 minute coaching session per week. The package price for this ongoing support will be significantly reduced.

  • If you are here and are reading these questions, something already tells you that this program could be for you. Listen to that inner voice, that intuition. It is the first step in beginning to live more from the heart instead of the mind. Schedule a free discovery call with me and I will be happy to tell you more about the program. Together we can explore if working with me is the right choice for us both.

  • The beauty about this coaching journey is that it is personalized and co-created together with you. Of course there are specific topics for each week and we will follow an overall flow. Yet the needs of each one of us are individual, and true transformation can only come through a real, in the moment, and live connection. This is especially true as you first begin exploring the topics around meditation, yoga, and living from the heart.

    A pre-recorded program is obviously cheaper but I would argue that it is generally not as effective.

    In a live session a coach can work with exactly whatever topic is currently alive for you. A pre-recorded session usually is focused on more general topics and will deliver less input.

    You know what type of session is for you. But if you are longing for true transformation, I suggest you work with someone in a personal setting.